It's so nice checking the blogs and finding out what - at least some of - you are doing! Beth and Sorley you must get a blog ... and we will get webcam (I promise). It's like getting the family paper ... news ... news ... news, and with pictures. (sometimes moving, and emotional). I am now addicted to David's blog (and all his great reviews which I am enjoying vicariously), watching the kids on Girl Cat; the Shetland Trader and these crazy American comments ... what adulation! I also love when Helen writes their blog and Jamie's literary/philosophical blog. I think I will discontinue the London Review of Books.
Finding the time is the problem, I know. Anyhow, it's 4pm, the extension is painted, shelves up, ready for the carpet on Tuesdsay; Peter's bed is made up; the house has been cleaned top to bottom; the grass is cut and I have made tart and tangy beans for the freezer to have when Louisa and Andy come. Peter comes tomorrow morning and L&A on Saturday (they are camping). So time to relax (well, I have actually had a snooze on the resting chair in the sun in the porch) and do the blog before I go and cut my hair, shave and bath, then I will be all nice for the guests. We just got David's book so it was a temptation to continue lying on the resting chair and start reading it again. I will, but will wait until the guests have gone, and until I have done an index for
Victorians 60 Degrees North which the S.T. cannot do (they have just informed me).
Thought I would start with a wee picture of spring squill in flower down the road, the orchids are all out too (you might see one or two in the photo).

We are also waiting for Mary Gibbon's picture (in the post) which she did for us from a photo I sent her. You might think it strange to see Muckle Bousta without the garden walls (she thought it would look better without). Coincidentally, I was looking at old photos on the Lerwick Museum website and there is one of MB, taken in the 1950/60s before the garden walls were built and it is very like Mary's. We like the picture very much and it will be one of the first to be hung in the extension.
We had hoped that the carpet would have been laid earlier this week but were informed with days to go, and at least a month after ordering it, that the line had been discontinued! The shop (in Lerwick) were very upset too and told me to pick another carpet and if it was more expensive than the original one they would pay the difference ... lead me to your most expensive carpets! No, just chose another which is due on Tuesday am. Being optimistic (do I ever learn), I have asked for the furniture from Betty's to arrive in the afternoon (sofa, music cabinet, 2 upright chairs and the desk if it has been repaired). I can see what is going to happen ... there will be problems laying the carpet, it will be pouring with rain, the removal people are going to dump the furniture in the back garden!
We moved the shelves and books through from the small room and I have some book re-arranging to do (which will be fun). I was also able to take the books from Betty's, which I had hastily grabbed and stuffed in boxes, and put them on the shelves. I sat there the other evening, sipping a Mortlach, and looked through them. Prizes for Sunday school attendance to my Dad (1910); Waverly Novels that had belonged to Betty's great uncle in Glasgow (1890); Betty's father's bible, book of quotation and huge encyclopaedia; and some great poetry books Betty had bought in the 1940s ... lots to read! My father's desk will go in the corner where Mum is sitting so that I can look over it at the view.

As you can see we are already making use of the room. The sun (when it shines) pours into it in the afternoon and right through the evening until it sets (at 10pm at the moment). It's as warm as fresh toast!
Right outside the gate of the garden there is an oystercatcher nesting on the top of the wall (thinks it's a raised beach). It has got used to us now and doesn't move when we leave the house, but the chicks are going to have a big jump when they hatch!
Right, time for a bath.