Saturday, 23 May 2009

Spring Pleasures

The primroses are still out, the bluebells in full bloom and the trees are rather tentative of unfolding their leaves.The ewes are back with their lambs so early awakenings these light mornings.
But at last I can get out and resume work on the wall which has been at this stage for more than a year.A week of good weather and I have doubled what I had. Now at the point of a right-angled turn to come back across (north to south) to the old garden wall. Then go back - and continue at the right-angle - to the yard wall (and in front of Sorley's house to be). Very satisfying and delightful on the very still days when I can hear the young seals playing ... slapping the water surface with their flippers ... and the terns calling. I'm going to have to leave moving some of the very big stones until the boys are here.

The mornings are bright early and evening sun goes on until 9pm now, brilliant skies over the Voe and Little Bousta, the sitting room doors open to cool it down!

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Children's Stories

This is the cover of the latest New Shetlander. The picture is by Meilo So, a Chinese lady (from Hong Kong) who lives in Yell and works for Doubleday. Thought you would like the image, it's entitled 'How to be safe at sea'. Jonathan tells me that she might illustrate his next children's book.