Jamie says this is a class V ... hmmmm. It was great whatever. We went on a two hour float and rapid down the Rangitata ... I believe him now when he says he is a whitewater rafter. It was a lovely day on the edge of the mountains. Helen took Mum by car to meet us and took the photos.
I think that I resemble a rather elderly Oor Wullie here.
If you look closely there are two of us here working in perfect harmony.
Later, we went back up the river where the put in is for the clients. Away in the background are the mountains where Jamie and Helen want to walk when they go to stay in Peel Forest in a couple of weeks.
Having a great time!
Great to see you on whitewater! Definitely Class V. Jamie's spot on there.
Looks wonderful over there. Looking forward to seeing for myself sometime.
Hopefully we'll see you on some NZ whitewater next year perchance?
Amazing how much dad resembles Oor Willie!
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