Since rather quiet on the family blogs, apart that is from Maya - delightfully, I have decided to write about one of those strange coincidences that regularly occur. First though I will have another sip of this evening’s choice whisky … single Jura, not unpleasant.
I have been reading, as no doubt you all have, about the film version of His Dark Materials by Pullman ... a wee bit disappointed. The ‘daemon’ in the story fascinated me as I knew nothing about them. Simultaenously, I have been reading the much hyped The Gift by Lewis Hyde (presently Creative Writing professor in Ohio). It requires a lot of attention … not recommended reading in bed just before intended sleep! He looks at age-old myths surrounding ‘gifts’ and sees creativity as a ‘gift’ too. He is in to the idea that ‘gifts’ are for reciprocation and their value lies in their passage, back and forward between individuals and around groups. In today’s world these ‘gifts’ have been commercialised and we have capitalism; where the ‘gift’ has been given a monetary value and where it is kept it become capital. You’ll have to read the book to get nearer his truth!
However, last night, on page 54, I came on the section on the ‘gift’ of creativity … literary, artistic etc. First, it rang a few bells as it seemed to echo something I have always felt … that we must use (not a good word here in this context, sorry can’t think of a better at the moment) our own personal ‘gifts’ to the full … otherwise we are denying our intrinsic selves, never mind anyone else.
Now we come to daemons! Quote from book … ‘The task of setting free one’s gifts was a recognized labor [he’s American remember] in the ancient world. The Romans called a person’s tutelar [guardian if you have to look it up like me] spirit his genius. In Greece it was called a daemon. Ancient authors tell us that Socrates, for example, had a daemon who would speak up when he was about to do something that did not accord with his true nature. …. The daemon comes to us at birth. It carries with it the fullness of our undeveloped powers. These it offers to us as we grow and we choose whether or not to accept to labor in its service … the spirit [daemon] who brings us our gifts finds its eventual freedom only through our sacrifice [to realise the gift], and those who do not reciprocate the gifts of their daemon will leave it in bondage when they die."
It is no longer often, in fact it is pretty rare, that I come across something that makes me sit up (and fail to go to sleep later) and think ‘now there’s a view of life that I feel that’s familiar and friendly, and needs thinking about’.
Now I am wondering about the shape of my daemon. However, I do know who must have a cat as a daemon!
Need to go and fill up my glass …
Hmm, very interesting. Must borrow the book. Going to see the film on Sunday. Must say I enjoyed the books.
Probably more than one cat! (Not sure what a group of cats is called)?
....enjoyed reading your thoughts!
I like the idea of a daemon I have to say...what would mine be?
Yes, very thought-provoking and I can see how hard it must have been to fall asleep after digesting that text. I haven't read any of the books but I know that Nick has and enjoyed them very much. Has got me thinking about my daemon now too...hmmmm. By the way, have updated my blog now, sorry, I know it's well overdue!
Hello everyone. This is nice. All together here on the comments page. Aaaaah. My daemon would be a duck. It can fly, get pretty annoyed with other ducks, spends a lot of time in water, but usually isn't too bothered about much. Likes to sleep with its head under its wing (I sleep with my arm over my head).
The question is 'what kind of Duck are you Jamie'? The New Zealand blue duck seems appropriate. It is blue so you get your scottish tint (and your tint in the winter)and this duck lives in the fast flowing rivers in alpine regions.More Kiwi trivia later.
I think Beth's daemon is a bullet with butterfly wings.....(but don't tell her)
I'd like to think I am an Lion or Tiger or maybe one of those big old eagles from the recent past here in NZ. Obviously I am not very in touch with myself and live in a fantasy world...
Nick :-D
Now you have to remember that your daemon is not what you think you ideally would like to be, maybe not even what you initially think you are. Needs a lot of thought. After Gudrun's designing success (among her many other attributes and characteristics), I suggest her daemon might be a weaver bird? I like the duck for Jamie. I think mine is a loris, the slow variety ... I think it is in awe of the world and just wants to be able to watch it all pass by while while we have a nice slow, quiet time.
I've no idea what my daemon is, but I do believe it's something that likes to get me outside and moving. By that I mean that there are times when I get this sort of uneasy feeling that I'm about to learn/figure/discover something about whatever book I'm working on, but I often feel I won't figure it out if I stay sitting in front of the computer. So I get up, walk, and for some unexplained reason the ideas starting popping into my head.
It's a little like my daemon, having finally gotten out and enjoying the fresh air, rewards me by starting to talk, like... "Okay, David, now that we've finally gotten out of the house I'll tell you what I've thinking should happen to Dariel when he..." etc.
I'm not entirely kidding, either.
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